So I was getting a little antsy about my book because I hadn't heard anything from my publisher in over month. Apparently, this is pretty common, but I was still nervous. I shot an e-mail to Cedar Fort asking for any info on what was going on and I found out some pretty interesting news. For one, the release date has been bumped up to June. That means the press date (when the book goes to the printer) is somewhere at the beginning of May. That's like in 3 months!! I'm so excited, but I'm running out of time to do whatever it is I need to do to promote this book. I don't know what I'm supposed to do so I'm telling you guys with the hopes that you'll get excited about picking up a copy and maybe tell your friends, and they tell their friends, and so on and so on. Please! I need your help!!!
Now all of this is tentative, but it will be printed in paperback, which I'm warming up to the idea pretty quickly. I should have some information soon on how much it will retail for in stores, but I'm fairly confident it will be below $10 which will be great for attacking the masses with some Hashbrowns! It will be printed under the Bonneville Press imprint (which is a national imprint.) No word on cover art or any illustrations, but I can only hope that they'll be cool. I've done a little research and it turns out Bonneville sells to bookstores all over the country (NY, Florida, California, etc.)
On another note, I have writer's block yet again. Probably because I'm so excited and nervous. I keep dreaming about pictures of pioneers....
so what bookstore do you manage?
I manage the Deseret Book in Midvale, UT.
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