
The Guardians ARCS

A little while ago, I posted about how I started a new series that my publisher bought and that will be in bookstores Spring 2011. Originally called The Guardians of the Tebah Stick, the book is now slated to bear the title, The Guardians of the Hidden Scepter. I think it has a catchier ring to it.

Words can't describe how excited I am for this book! And already, look what I have in my hand...

Yep, that's an ARC baby! An Advance Reading Copy! These uncorrected proofs, come out several months before the actual edited hardcover hits bookstores and are sent to reviewers across the country. It just so happens, my publisher gave me a few copies to play with. They still have the old title, and of course there's no cover illustration yet, which, by the way, rocks the house and I'm dying to show you!!! We're talking 271 pages of high-octane suspense and adventure! Not to mention a chance to read the story first, before anyone else in the known universe. I'm giving a couple away at my book release party for Hashbrown Winters and the Phantom of Pordunce this Thursday. Haven't heard about the party yet?

Are you serious?

Thursday! (November 11th)
6:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble
10180 S. State Street
Sandy, UT

Prizes, stuff, and then some!

You have to come. Everyone of you. I won't accept anything less. Come for the fun. Come say hi. Come win a prize. I'm giving away an entire boxed set of the hardcover Fablehaven series and many other glorious gifts. Just to celebrate the newest installment of the Hashbrown saga.

And, in case you missed it, check out my book trailer I made from scratch with a little love and some homemade biscuits....


Oh, and for Pete's sake, follow the blog!! We only need 2 more followers before I give away a signed copy of Hashbrown 3 to a lucky winner. Come on. I know it's painful to follow a blog for some of you, but don't think about it. Just push the button and then take a nap and sleep away the pain.


Dan said...

Wow, Frank, you're a writing MACHINE! Much luck with the party and new series. I hope your stress has subsided.

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

No FAIR! I don't live even remotely near Sandy, although I have lived in Midvale, West Jordan, Spanish Fork and Provo. But as much as I (and my 9 year old) would LOVE to come to the party, I don't think I can convince my spouse to pay for a plane ticket. Have fun and best wishes for an enormous, loving crowd for you!

Frank Cole said...

Thanks Dan! The stress is actually worse. :)
AJ, Don't worry, I'll probably put one or two up for grabs on the blog. Stay tuned...

Wendy Lu said...

I will pay you with cupcakes for the ARC- really, really good cupcakes! My kids are sick- I don't know if I'll make it tomorrow night.... Really good cupcakes? How about it?