
Any Writers Out There

I've been doing this blog for quite a while now and it's been a fun outlet for me. I've been able to post rants and nostalgic moments, do a few book reviews and recommendations and of course keep people informed on what's been going on in my writing world. I think it's cool to look back at some of my initial posts. Back then I had no idea that I'd ever get published. In fact, to be perfectly honest, I remember highly doubting the possibility. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a rookie in every way, shape, and form, though I am getting up there in the years. 32 is not old for everyone, but for someone that still longs for Happy Meal surprises and likes to wear wigs while driving to see how many heads I can cause to do a double take, 32 is ancient.

But this post is going to be a little different. I want to know what people are writing (if they're writing) and where they are in pursuing their goals. I've got a few folks that follow this blog (granted most of you were tricked into doing it and probably regret the choice), but still I don't know much about who you guys are. Are there writers, poets, or illustrators that stop in from time to time and scoff at my poor grammar? Do they have published works under their belts or in the upcoming future? If so, do tell! Heck, if you want, you can even post a link to your blog or website or even to Amazon in the comments to tell the world (and when I mean world, I mean Frankie's little island) about your accomplishments. What do people typically set as a writing goal? Do you have a word count that you have to meet? A page count? What's your style of writing? Now, I'm sure there are people out there that don't want to be considered a writer and if that's case, you can tell us what you're reading right now. Or if you want to go the real easy way out, you can tell us who your favorite Dancing With the Stars contestant is.

I'm just curious, that's all. So, to kick it off, here's my update. I've written over 5,000 words on the third Hashbrown Winters tale (no title yet) and if you're curious as to where that puts me towards finishing another book, that's about 1/5 of the way done.

I'm also about a week away from submitting an entirely different novel for older kids, but I'm toying around with the title. Maybe you can help. Here are your choices:

The Tebah Stick
The Guardians of the Tebah Stick
Sweet Sally and the Dress in the Can (that actually is the real title of a home video me and my brother-in-law made a few years ago. If I ever figure out how to upload VHS video up to Youtube, I'll show it to you.)

Now, it's your turn.


Don said...

Hi, Frank. We met at LDStorymakers 2008, and it's great to see the success you're having with Hashbrown Winters.

I'm currently doing revisions on what I'm calling a romantic coming of age story. I got a nice rejection last month with detailed suggestions and an invitation to resubmit, so that's what I'm working on.

I've edited my way through page 130, or about 40%.

I'm also about halfway through a YA SF draft, but that's on the backburner for now.

My blog hangout is 90kwordsofdelusion.blogspot.com

Kate said...

I've submitted my first novel (a romance--it surprised me, too!) to one publisher who only required the first three chapters. They also are the publisher who I hear takes the longest to respond. I should be finished polishing the entire manuscript within a week. Then I'll begin submitting to everyone else.

I set a goal of 800-1000 words a day when I'm doing a rough draft and 10 pages a day when I'm revising. I keep a file of new story ideas that pop up so I can concentrate on my current project and not worry about losing any new ideas.

Good luck with your new book! I'll definitely be reading it.

Don said...

Oh, yeah - my writing goal.

I've carved an hour out of my morning routine that's reserved for writing. My goal is to have butt in chair and fingers on keyboard during that time. Drafting, I can usually hit 500-700 words in that time.

Then I steal whatever time I can during the evening, which sadly isn't usually all that much.

Frank Cole said...

Don, I totally remember sitting at a table with you at the conference. That's good news about your submission. Publishers don't take the time to make suggestions unless they see a potential.

Kate, I saw that you submitted on your website, which by the way is a very nice site. 800-1000 words a day is a goal I try to keep as well. Of course, a lot of the time, my words aren't worth keeping. :)

Amy said...

You know me already, but my writing is just for pleasure and family in the form of journaling and blogging and scrapbooking. My way of continuing the whole Family History thing in my little neck of the woods.

Frank Cole said...

Come on Amy, I know you've got it in you. You should write a paranormal romance. I think you could totally nail that genre. Or something literary (Victor Hugoish). You know you want to!

Cindy Beck, author said...

Hi Frank! We met at the Cedar Fort Conference earlier this year ... my co-author, Nichole Giles and I sat next to you and shared thoughts and treats. :)

I just found your blog and think it's great, so signed up as a follower. When you get a quick minute, would you send me an email? cindybeck(dot)author(at)yahoo(dot)com. Thanks.

Cindy Beck, author said...

Oh duh. What I'm writing ... articles for newspaper, online articles, a book with co-author, Nichole Giles, of inspirational LDS stories to cheer us all through trying times.

And getting ready to do a book launch at Barnes and Noble in Orem on Dec 9, for our book that's just coming out, "Mormon Mishaps and Mischief."

Whew, that's probably more than you wanted to know, huh? :0)

PS: I like your possible title, "Sweet Sally and the Dress in the Can." Intriguing!

Frank Cole said...

Hey Cindy. Welcome to my blog and congrats on the book! I remember chatting with you Nichole. You guys were very cool to hang with. I really need to find a way to upload video onto my blog. Sweet Sally is one for the ages!